Time-dependent optimal control of the linear scalar wave equation¶
Section author: Steven Vandekerckhove
Problem definition¶
The problem is to minimise the following tracking-type functional
subjected to the time-dependent scalar wave equation equation
where \(c\) is the wave speed and \(\Omega = \left[0, L\right]\) is a one dimensional domain, for a given source function \(s(t) = \sin(\omega t)\):
In particular, we aim to
Using a classic central difference for discretizing in time, with time step \(\Delta t\), the time-discretized differential equation reads: for a given \(s^n\), for each time step \(n\), find \(u^{n+1}\) such that
Let \(U\) be the space of continuous piecewise linear functions. Multiplying by test functions \(v \in U\), integrating by parts over \(\Omega\), the problem reads: find \(u_h^{n} \in U\) such that
hold for all \(v \in U\).
We start our implementation by importing the dolfin
and dolfin_adjoint
together with the numpy and sys modules, for handling storage and ui:
from __future__ import print_function
from dolfin import *
from dolfin_adjoint import *
import numpy as np
import os, sys
# Set log level
Next, we prepare the mesh,
# Prepare a mesh
mesh = UnitIntervalMesh(50)
and set a time step size:
# Choose a time step size
k = Constant(1e-3)
Since we want to add boundary conditions only on the left hand side, and make observations on the left hand side, we have to identify both sides separately:
# Compile sub domains for boundaries
left = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[0], 0.)")
right = CompiledSubDomain("near(x[0], 1.)")
# Label boundaries, required for the objective
boundary_parts = MeshFunction("size_t", mesh, mesh.topology().dim()-1)
left.mark(boundary_parts, 0)
right.mark(boundary_parts, 1)
ds = Measure("ds", subdomain_data=boundary_parts)
Then, an expression is built for the time dependent source term, We need to provide a second expression for evaluating its derivative.
class Source(UserExpression):
def __init__(self, omega=Constant(2e2), **kwargs):
""" Construct the source function """
self.t = 0.0
self.omega = omega
def eval(self, value, x):
""" Evaluate the source function """
if x[0] < 1e-15:
value[0] = np.sin(float(self.omega) * self.t)
value[0] = 0.
class SourceDerivative(UserExpression):
def __init__(self, omega=Constant(2e2), Source=None, **kwargs):
""" Construct the source function derivative """
self.t = 0.0
self.omega = omega
self.source = Source # needed to get the matching time instant
def eval(self, value, x):
""" Evaluate the source function's derivative """
if x[0] < 1e-15:
value[0] = self.source.t * np.cos(float(self.omega) * self.source.t)
value[0] = 0.
Before the inverse problem can be solved, we have to implement the forward problem:
def forward(excitation, c=Constant(1.), record=False, annotate=False, objective=None):
""" The forward problem """
# Define function space
U = FunctionSpace(mesh, "Lagrange", 1)
# Set up initial values
u0 = Function(U, name="u0", annotate=annotate)
u1 = Function(U, name="u1", annotate=annotate)
# Define test and trial functions
v = TestFunction(U)
u = TrialFunction(U)
# Define variational formulation
udot = (u - 2. * u1 + u0)
uold = (0.25 * u + 0.5 * u1 + 0.25 * u0)
F = (udot * v + k * k * c * c * uold.dx(0) * v.dx(0)) * dx - u * v * ds(0) + excitation * v * ds(0)
a = lhs(F)
L = rhs(F)
# Prepare solution
u = Function(U, name="u", annotate=annotate)
# The actual timestepping
if record: rec = [u1(1.), ]
i = 1
t = 0.0 # Initial time
T = 3.e-1 # Final time
times = [t, ]
if objective is not None:
objective(u1, times[-1])
while t < T - .5 * float(k):
excitation.t = t + float(k)
solve(a == L, u, annotate=annotate)
u0.assign(u1, annotate=annotate)
u1.assign(u, annotate=annotate)
t = i * float(k)
if record:
i += 1
if objective is not None:
objective(u1, times[-1])
if record:
np.savetxt("recorded.txt", rec)
return u1, times
Note that the forward solver has been implemented as straight forward as possible, with litte attention for efficiency. E.g., a significant speed-up could be realized by re-using the factorization of linear system.
Also a function is defined to assemble the objective. This is defined as a function that takes in a storage (dictionary) which avoids using a global variable. Perhaps an even better solution would be to define a class and use self as a storage.
def objective(storage, u=None, t=None, finalize=False):
if finalize:
area = storage["last_time"] - storage["first_time"]
M = storage["refs_idx"]
return area / M * storage["functional"]
obs = storage["refs"][storage["refs_idx"]]
storage["functional"] += assemble(inner(u - obs, u - obs) * ds(1))
storage["refs_idx"] += 1
storage["last_time"] = t
if storage["first_time"] is None:
storage["first_time"] = t
# Callback function for the optimizer
# Writes intermediate results to a logfile
def eval_cb(j, m):
""" The callback function keeping a log """
print("omega = %15.10e " % float(m))
print("objective = %15.10e " % j)
Now we can have a look at the optimization procedure
def optimize(dbg=False):
""" The optimization routine """
# Define the control
Omega = Constant(190)
source = Source(Omega, degree=3, name="source")
# provide the coefficient on which this expression depends and its derivative
source.dependencies = [Omega]
source.user_defined_derivatives = {Omega: SourceDerivative(Omega, Source=source, degree=3)}
# Load references
refs = np.loadtxt("recorded.txt")
# create noise to references
gamma = 1.e-5
if gamma > 0:
noise = np.random.normal(0, gamma, refs.shape[0])
# add noise to the refs
refs += noise
# map refs to be constant
refs = list(map(Constant, refs))
storage = {"functional": 0, "refs": refs, "refs_idx": 0, "first_time": None, "last_time": None}
obj = lambda u, t: objective(storage, u, t)
# Execute first time to annotate and record the tape
forward(source, 2 * DOLFIN_PI, False, True, objective=obj)
# Define the control
control = Control(Omega)
J = objective(storage, finalize=True)
# compute the gradient
dJd0 = compute_gradient(J, control)
print("gradient = ", float(dJd0))
# Prepare the reduced functional
reduced_functional = ReducedFunctional(J, control, eval_cb_post=eval_cb)
# Run the optimisation
omega_opt = minimize(reduced_functional, method="L-BFGS-B",
tol=1.0e-12, options={"disp": True, "gtol": 1.0e-12})
# Print the obtained optimal value for the controls
print("omega = %f" % float(omega_opt))
Lastly we implement some code to run the optimization:
if __name__ == "__main__":
if '-r' in sys.argv:
os.popen('rm -rf recorded.txt')
source = Source(Constant(2e2), degree=3)
forward(source, 2*DOLFIN_PI, True)
The example code can be found in examples/time-dependent-wave/
in the
source tree. To generate the data, run python time-dependent-wave.py -r
Running the code results in an approximation for the optimal value which is correct up to the noise level will be obtained.